Specialized training to equip the Dancing Intercessor
"Deep calls unto deep. Only a call from the depths can provoke a response from the depths.", from Deep Calls unto Deep by Watchman Nee. This NEWLY REVISED advanced-level course is for those invited into the realm of intercession through dance ministry. It is for those who have positioned themselves as intercessors and may already be moving in intercessory dance. Within two months, students will receive a certificate in Dance Intercession all from the convenience of their homes. Our online platform is easily accessible from any computer, laptop, or mobile device. The program consists of 10 (ten) individual sessions over the span of 8 weeks.
This program is built from the on-demand course, "The Dancing Intercessor" however, it explores the content even further and adds two live teaching & activation sessions on Zoom.
all nationswelcome
We welcome all international students! We are proud to have a thriving and diverse global community of spirit-fill students and graduates in over 22 nations. Our international students are important to us and we are here to support them. Our online programs offer the flexibility of watching pre-recorded lectures to accommodate those in different times zones all around the world. Currently, all of our courses/contents are in the English language however, we will make special considerations for those in which English is their 2nd language.
program curriculum
The Call
The Altar
The Dance of Travail
Dying to Self
Carriers of a Burden
Make up the Hedge
Casting Down the High Things - Praise/Worship
Intro to Intercession (Review)
Intro to Flexibility & Conditioning
who should enroll?
Those in Flag Ministry
Liturgical Dancers
Mature Teenagers - Adults
JANUARY 13, 2025
APRIL 28, 2025
JULY 7, 2025
SEPTEMBER 15, 2025

Cloud based Online Platform
Our online platform where your courses are delivered is accessible for your computer, tablet or any mobile device.

Pre-recorded Lectures
You have the convenience of listening to your teaching sessions whenever you want throughout the week with pre-recorded sessions. There will also be a few live sessions that will be recorded.

Live Activations
Receive "hands-on" direction during the live intercessory dance activations on Zoom. These sessions will be prerecorded and are not mandatory.
Will I have to attend live sessions? I live in a different country or time zone.​
This program offers Zoom activation sessions with your instructor so that you can receive guidance through your learning. These sessions are not mandatory but it is beneficial for students to attend.
What type of assignments are in this program?
There are several types of assignments which are short essays, quizzes, discussion questions & video presentations.
What if I am unable to complete the program due to unexpected circumstances?
We understand that life happens to us all. You can complete the Leave of Absence form and return to the program when it is offered again.
tuition fees & deadlines
Fees & Tuition Information:
•Registration fee (including Graduation Fee): $35 USD / Late Registration: $45 USD
Program Cost: $100
Total Program Cost: $135 USD / Late $145 USD (pay as you go)
Enrollment Information:
Enrollment will open on February 3, 2025.
Enrollment for April closes on April 11, 2025, at 11:59 AM EST
Late Enrollment period closes on April 18, at 11:59 AM EST
*Please note that if this class has low enrollment, you may be asked to start this program at a later date*